
Safeguarding in the Church of Scotland
Protecting children and adults at risk
If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to your Safeguarding Coordinator:
Our Safeguarding & Child Protection officer is: Lesley Docherty
They will then contact the Safeguarding Service.
Harm/abuse includes ‘risk of harm’, historical abuse and risk posed by a sex offender attending worship. For more information please contact us via the contact us page or you can use the church of Scotland contact info below
Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service Contact Information
Phone: 0131 240 2256
Church of Scotland Safeguarding Policy Statement
The Church of Scotland has a deep concern for the wholeness and wellbeing of each individual. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of all people, regardless of age, who come into contact with the Church and its organisations. It is the responsibility of each individual within the fellowship of the Church to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of children and young people.
Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service
If the answer is “yes” then you will probably be a member of the PVG Scheme administered by Disclosure Scotland.
This means that you will be subject to ongoing monitoring (continuous updating) in order to keep your vetting information up to date.
Have your personal/contact details changed?
Are you unsure whether you are part of the PVG Scheme? Do you wish to leave the PVG Scheme?
It is crucial that the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service and Disclosure Scotland have the correct personal details on record for you.
If “yes” to any of the above questions, please contact the Safeguarding Service and Disclosure Scotland.
The Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service: e-mail –
Telephone – 0131 240 2256
Disclosure Scotland:
e-mail –
Telephone – 0300 020 0040
Coatbridge Middle Church
We the Kirk Session, have a duty of care to all who attend this Church and fully embrace the Church of Scotland's recommendations in regard to the protection of children and vulnerable adults. As part of this developing programme, we issue the following guidelines on the use of any form of photographic and video cameras, by all persons attending events or organisation activities. These guidelines over-ride any arrangements previously in place.
Whilst fully appreciating the importance of taking images for the purpose of recording membership, participation and posterity, the following guidelines have been adopted to ensure that all who wish to have the opportunity of recording these may do so without infringing the rights of others.
The following shall apply to all events and organisational activities:
Persons taking photographic images must only do so of their own child and for private purposes. Material containing images of others are NOT for further publication or placing on electronic transmission devices.
During large events, arrangements may be made by the host organisation to provide video or photographic stills of participants while in 'action'. This diminishes the possibility of a child being startled or photographing someone who's consent has not been granted.
No photographs or video footage will be publicly displayed without prior notice being given by the group/organisation and an opportunity for objections to be received.
Anyone having suspicions about any person taking images of children or of vulnerable adults should report this immediately to an organisation official
Working together we can protect our youth from unscrupulous individuals who may
take advantage of certain situations. The guidelines strike a balance between the rights of parents/guardians and the duty placed on the Church in child protection terms.