Interested in joining the Church?

These are the three routes anybody becomes a full communicant member in a congregation of the Church of Scotland.
Some come to the Lord’s Table by profession of faith. They have never been members of Christ’s Kirk before and after either a one-to-one meeting up with the minister or by attending a group they have stood in front of the congregation at a Sunday morning service, taken their vows of membership and been received into full membership. Others have been added to our congregation by transference Certificate. Having been members of the Church elsewhere they have opted to become part of our congregation. It is a simple process in which written certification is received from their previous congregation (informally known as “lines”) and passed on to the Session Clerk. Still, others who for a variety of reasons may not be able to trace their lines, are admitted by resolution of the Kirk Session. This too is fairly simple and consists of the Elders deciding that all necessary steps having been taken (unsuccessfully) to locate lines, the Session is agreed that there is no barrier to a person being received into membership. A strong factor here is the person’s regularity of worshipping with us.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
January, April, June and October. Communion cards will be distributed by Elders to their Districts during the two weeks prior to Communion Services. Members should note that, even if you have mislaid the Communion card you should still attend. An officebearer will record your name at the Church door on entry.
Visitors are very welcome and at every celebration of the Sacrament we extend the time-honoured invitation "The table of our Lord Jesus Christ is open to all who are in communion with the Church Universal. We therefore invite members of any branch thereof to join with us in this Holy Fellowship."

Marriage In The Church
Those who wish to be married in our Church should contact the Minister or Session Clerk. It is important to do this as far ahead as possible so that a date and time suitable to all parties can be arranged. There are of course certain legal matters to be dealt with in advance of the wedding day and guidance should be sought from the Minister or local registrar. Other guidance regarding Church procedure will be given as required.
The Sacrament of Baptism
Parents wishing to have their child baptised should contact the Session Clerk. The child's Birth Certificate must be brought along at the time of baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered in the Church during morning worship.
To contact the Minister or Session Clerk please use the contact us page