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The Church of Scotland Guild

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Aim: "The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both men and women to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in Worship, Prayer and Action."


The Guild is for women and men over the age of 18 years and we would invite all. young and not so young, to come along and join with us in our meetings. We in Middle are very fortunate to have a good mixture of ages, and a very regular attendance of all members. The membership is around 35 members but we have plenty of room for more.

The Guild meets on alternate Monday afternoon from 2.00p.m. till 4.00p.m. commencing in October. We look forward to seeing all present members back and ask you to invite a friend or two. Let's share the Guild fellowship with others.


JOINT  CONVENERS:  Mrs. Nan Penman, Mrs. Jane Forsyth

SECRETARY: Mrs. Nan Penman

TREASURER: Mrs. Jean Wilson

TEA CONVENOR: Mrs. Janet Gray

Theme: Let Us Build a House, Year 1: Sure Foundations



17th February - Christine Mills

3rd March - Anne Wilson and Marion King

17th March - AGM and Closing Meeting

The Church of Scotland Guild Website:

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Our Address:

Coatbridge Middle Church

Bank Street



Our Minister
Vacancy at Present

Session Clerk

Mr Gordon Russell, 07850 764246

Our Locum
Mr Richard Beattie

Interim Moderator
Rev. Drew Gebbie

Accessibility information:

Our church has a ramp available for visitors who may need to use it. In the church, we have a hearing loop system in use.

More information can be found by clicking here

© Middle Church, Coatbridge 2023

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