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The Girls’ Brigade
4th. Coatbridge Company


Our Girls' Brigade Company, formed in 1947 is celebrating 75 years of success this year and still going strong as a force in Middle Church and in Monklands Division of The Girls’ Brigade. As a congregation, we extend our thanks for the many years of service given to the youth of our church and the wider local community.  It is to the credit of the Officers of our Company for their dedicated leadership that we have such a flourishing organisation in our church.   


The G.B. Programme is divided into 4 parts: Physical, Spiritual, Educational and Service and this offers a wide variety of subjects for the girls to enjoy.


The Company is divided into 3 Sections by age groups which are linked to school classes:


EXPLORERS: Primary 1, 2, 3.

JUNIORS: Primary 4, 5, 6, 7.

BRIGADERS: High School Age 


Meeting Time: Tuesday at 7pm


CAPTAIN:    :   Mrs. Linda O’Rourke



EXPLORERS: Mrs. Allison Pryde:

JUNIORS: Miss Irene Peat

BRIGADERS: Mrs. Marjorie McIntosh


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Our Address:

Coatbridge Middle Church

Bank Street



Our Minister
Vacancy at Present

Session Clerk

Mr Gordon Russell, 07850 764246

Our Locum
Mr Richard Beattie

Interim Moderator
Rev. Drew Gebbie

Accessibility information:

Our church has a ramp available for visitors who may need to use it. In the church, we have a hearing loop system in use.

More information can be found by clicking here

© Middle Church, Coatbridge 2023

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